Let us know how we can support you in your engineering work with Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.
Bulker-fit configuration – now with IMO certificate
Since the end of last year, bulk carriers have been able to benefit from an Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 bulker-fit configuration, which is specifically adapted to their needs. The configuration dimensions the reactor and filtration capacities independently, using a smaller filter to accommodate bulkers’ slower ballasting flow. This retains the high performance and easy operation customers expect, but it creates significant savings in footprint, installation, OPEX and especially CAPEX.
Bulker-fit configurations are available for order and are now IMO certified, having received type approval on 6 March 2020. Be sure to update your drawings and to specify bulker-fit configurations when designing for these vessels.
For more information, watch our bulker-fit configuration film or read our launch press release about the solution.
Savings and security with PureBallast 3 bulker-fit configurations
Columbia Shipmanagement is a ship manager and maritime service provider that provides technical management and crewing for 250 vessels. Following good experience with PureBallast 3 in previous retrofits, the company is now retrofitting PureBallast 3 bulker-fit configurations on two capesize bulkers. The bulkers load cargo at twice the speed they unload it, which makes a flow-adapted PureBallast 3 bulker-fit configuration ideal.
“PureBallast 3 was our first experience with retrofitting,” says Christian Obst, Project Manager at Columbia Shipbuilding. “We had some experience with electrochlorination systems from newbuilds, which were handy bulkers of 50,000 DWT. But electrochlorination is actually very complex in terms of installation, operation and service. Based on the experience of installing and operating those systems, we were looking for a better and easier solution for the large capesize bulkers. We came to PureBallast 3.”
“One thing we really considered was the filter installation,” Obst explains. “In a retrofit, you can’t get a huge, heavy filter onto the vessel. You have to cut the hull, disassemble pipes and make huge foundations, because it’s both the weight of the filter and the seawater that’s in it. With the bulker-fit configuration, we could utilize the bulker profile to reduce the needed filter capacity and get a smaller equipment footprint.”
Using the PureBallast 3 bulker-fit configuration has created savings on many levels, from reducing filter weight by 60% to further simplifying installation. To learn more, read the full case story.
Work smarter with PureBallast 3 engineering training
Our PureBallast 3 engineering training is the best way ensure efficient work and satisfied customers in ballast water treatment. The training focuses on mechanical installation requirements and best practices, but it also covers control system integration, options and Ex systems. After a 2–3 day course, your team members will be able to plan, design and install a PureBallast 3 system in the swiftest manner.
You’ll find full details and registration possibilities on our PureBallast 3 training page.
Revised G8 – now just 6 months away
The deadline for ballast water treatment systems to comply with IMO revised G8 type approval guidelines is rapidly approaching. A revised G8 certificate is required for any system that will be installed on or after 28 October 2020.
Though some months remain, the date has consequences for customers who are choosing their systems now. Nonetheless, it’s easy to overlook. Be sure to remind your customers of the revised G8 guidelines and the global implications they have.
Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 was the first solution to gain revised G8 type approval, and it remains one of just a handful that have it. As you can read in our press release, no changes in power consumption or flow capabilities were needed to meet the tougher requirements.
The 1500 m3/h reactor means new configurations for large flows
Last autumn, we announced the launch of a 1500 m3/h reactor for Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 to the market. Able to handle 50% more volume than the previous largest size, the reactor enables streamlined and cost-effective new configurations for flows above 1200 m3/h.
Both of the new configurations, 1500 and 3000 m3/h, are available for order now. Deliveries will begin July 2019 for PureBallast 1500 Std/Ex and August 2019 for PureBallast 3000 Std/Ex. It’s therefore important that you update your drawings and specify the 1500 m3/h reactor for these system sizes. The new configurations offer a substantial reduction in footprint and complexity, which could amount to 20% less installation time, depending on the system and vessel layout.
You can find more information in our launch press release for the 1500 m3/h reactor.
Keep up the pressure in deckhouse installations
Deckhouse installations are an ideal retrofit solution for modern tankers, where the lack of a pump room leaves no internal space for a ballast water treatment system. But if you’ve engineered a deckhouse solution before, you may have encountered a situation where the existing ballast water pumps do not provide enough pressure for effective backflushing.
Understandably, customers are not keen to make changes in an existing pump installation that’s already optimized. Alfa Laval, in partnership with Framo, has developed a booster pump solution that ensures Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 Ex can handle its own pressure requirements. Steered by VFD for optimal energy efficiency, the optional booster pump unit (BPU) is integrated into the deckhouse and is completely separated from the existing ballast pumping system.
For more information, watch our new booster pump solution film. You can also download both our deckhouse leaflet and the specific booster pump unit leaflet.
Holding time minimized in United States waters
Holding times under U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) legislation have been a source of frustration for all of us who work with UV ballast water treatment – but above all for customers. A one-day holding time in United States waters can be a losing proposition for customers with tight schedules to keep.
While there’s hope that the USCG will eventually adopt the MPN method, Alfa Laval has applied for and received a new USCG type approval that nearly does away with holding time under the current vital stain regime. USCG holding time for Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 has been reduced to just 2.5 hours, and the requirement only applies when crossing between Captain of the Port Zones.
The change is integral to all new PureBallast 3 deliveries with USCG type approval. In addition, it’s available for existing systems through a simple software upgrade.
You can read more about minimized holding time in our press release. For further details on how it affects PureBallast 3 operation and how the software upgrade works, please contact your local Alfa Laval representative.