Take the lead in hydrogen refuelling
At Alfa Laval, we can support you with highly efficient heat exchangers that maximize the filling capacity of your systems, as well as expert advice on how to optimize your hydrogen precooling process.

Alfa Laval HyBlocTM
PCHE HyBloc – a revolutionary approach to hydrogen refuelling
To meet the growing demand for new, high-capacity fuelling stations, we introduce the new Alfa Laval HyBlocTM range of printed circuit heat exchangers.
These ultra-compact units help minimize filling times and dramatically reduce both space requirements and installation costs.
Watch this video recorded at an actual hydrogen refuelling station to find out more.
Ultra-compact hydrogen precooling
The new Alfa Laval HyBlocTM range of printed circuit heat exchangers (PCHE) are engineered for use as precoolers in hydrogen refuelling stations, supplying fuels to light passenger and heavy duty vehicles (HDV) such as trucks and buses.
The unique design enables back-to-back refuelling, ensuring the lowest possible customer wait times, while minimizing space requirements and installation cost. HyBlocTM pre-coolers withstand pressures of up to 1,250 bar and are available in 4 different sizes.
Higher back-to-back throughput for increased profitability
- Zero waiting time between refuellings thanks to continuous refrigeration loops
- Ability to operate at very high pressures, enabling minimal filling times
- Ultra-compact, packageable design with minimal space requirements
- Well-proven, safe technology
- Leading supplier with high production capacity and application support
Maximum sustainability under maximium pressures
Clean energy
With expectations that green hydrogen could represent up to 24% of the energy market by 2050, the demand will continue to grow at a rapid pace. |
Compact performance
Thanks to the printed circuit technology, an Alfa Laval HyBlocTM heat exchanger is 85% smaller than a comparable shell-and-coil or shell-and-tube heat exchanger.
This maximizes flexibility when designing the complete refuelling system and the unit is easily integrated, e.g. in the dispenser casing. As opposed to a shell-and-coil or shell-and-tube heat exchanger, there is no need to install a HyBlocTM below ground, which reduces civil work significantly.
Withstanding pressures of up to 1,250 bar, an Alfa Laval HyBlocTM allows you to design your systems for operation at 350 bar (H35), 700 bar (H70) or higher. The high-pressure capabilities of a HyBlocTM unit ensure short filling times and also makes it future proof in case new standards with higher pressures are developed.
The HyBlocTM range comprises four models, offering solutions for all capacity needs. We help you select the ideal model according to your cooling fluid, capacity requirements, etc. to maximize performance.
Safety first
Hydrogen is highly explosive when mixed with air, meaning rigorous safety measures must be taken when handling the gas. The safety of Alfa Laval’s printed circuit heat exchangers has been thoroughly proven in several demanding fuelling applications such as fuel gas supply for large ships, and land-based natural gas supply systems for industrial and domestic applications for more than 15 years.
The HyBlocTM design is based on diffusion welding of the heat transfer plates. In this process the grain structures of the plates merge, forming one solid block that can withstand very high pressure. This secures that high pressures are equally well handled on the cool and warm sides, and relief connections are therefore not required.
Full support from A to Z
With Alfa Laval as your partner, you not only have access to market-leading products. Our team of application experts is also ready to support you with good advice, e.g. on how to select the ideal hydrogen precooler for your system, and how to optimize your precooling process.
After many decades’ experience with demanding heat transfer applications, we have high technical competence in cooling of high-pressure gasses and can help you get the best out of your system.
As one of the world’s largest manufacturers of heat exchangers you can rest easy that we have the capacity to deliver large quantities of heat exchangers as the hydrogen market and demand for your systems grows.