Health and safety
At Alfa Laval ensuring good employee health is both about concern for the individual as well as promoting the company’s business success. Alfa Laval’s work is based on continuous improvement and development through systematically working to improve health and safety. Local conditions determine the nature of the actions implemented to improve health and well-being.
Read more in our annual sustainability reports.
Career development
Being a multi-faceted company with a diverse range of products within various application areas, industries and countries means that we can offer our employees many engaging career and development opportunities. Alfa Laval uses an open internal recruitment process that encourages mobility within the Group.
When it comes to personal development, our employees are in the driving seat. An important part of our employees' skills development takes place in their daily work and in various types of interactive relationships with more experienced colleagues, managers or mentors. In addition, formal training programmes complement the daily learning experience. We apply the 70-20-10 model when it comes to employee development.
The 70-20-10 model
70% is to come from the challenges faced during the course of the individual’s day-to-day work.
20% is to come from various types of developing relationships, meaning what the individual learns from managers, more experienced colleagues or mentors.
10% of what an individual learns is to come from formal training programs, either online or in a classroom setting.
Diversity promotes growth
Alfa Laval's vision is to create an inclusive workplace where diversity is essential to achieving the company's objectives. We believe that diversity maximizes the potential of individuals and of the organization as a whole. Our work with diversity helps us ensure that the composition of employees reflects the geographic markets where we operate. 100 nationalities are represented within the Group.
Alfa Laval's "Diversity for growth" strategy includes equal career opportunities. Gender equality is an important aspect of this strategy. The proportion of female employees in the company is around 20% and the proportion of female managers is also 20%. Alfa Laval works to expand the recruitment base for female management positions by employing a greater proportion of female graduates.
We make a difference. Wanna join?
Our innovations contribute to everything from reducing CO2 emissions in Russia to making sure tomatoes can grow in desert Australia, via increasing the use of solar power and safely pumping up oil from sunken ships. By joining Alfa Laval you will work for a clear and high purpose - to improve the everyday conditions for people.