Hygienic Pump Services
Alfa Laval pumps are essential to hygienic process efficiency, performance and safety. Which is why we’ve made it easy to ensure you get the most uptime from your pumps used across the dairy, food, beverage, home-personal care or pharma industries. Our services are a responsible choice, designed to save time and money while safeguarding operations and the environment. Get peace of mind from a broad range of services and unmatched product and application knowledge from Alfa Laval experts that optimize pump performance.
Talk to a service expert
Technical documentation
A healthy injection for your business - Brochure.pdf
2018-06-18 1274 kBALC Centrifugal Pump LL - discontinued - instruction manual.pdf
2018-06-18 95 kBAlfa Laval Addendum for Instruction Manuals according to ISO 20607.pdf
2018-06-18 72 kBAlfa Laval DuraCirc Brochure.pdf
2018-06-18 2926 kBAlfa Laval DuraCirc Clearance Data Hi-Flow Manual.pdf
2018-06-18 560 kBAlfa Laval DuraCirc Clearance Data Hi-Life Manual.pdf
2018-06-18 559 kBAlfa Laval DuraCirc Instruction Manual.pdf
2018-06-18 10758 kBAlfa Laval DuraCirc Product leaflet.pdf
2018-06-18 357 kBAlfa Laval DuraCirc лифлет.pdf
2018-06-18 437 kBAlfa Laval LKH Centrifugal Pump product leaflet.pdf
2018-06-18 412 kBAlfa Laval LKH Evap Centrifugal Pump product leaflet.pdf
2018-06-18 411 kBAlfa Laval LKH Evap instruction manual.pdf
2018-06-18 2577 kBAlfa Laval LKH Evap Центробежный насос - продукт листовка - ESE01863.pdf
2018-06-18 446 kBAlfa Laval LKH Evap Центробежный насос- Листовки с описанием изделия- ESE01863.pdf
2018-06-18 473 kBAlfa Laval LKH Multistage product leaflet.pdf
2018-06-18 330 kBAlfa Laval LKH Multistage Pump instruction manual.pdf
2018-06-18 3941 kBAlfa Laval LKH Prime - Byrne Dairy Case Story.pdf
2018-06-18 411 kBAlfa Laval LKH Prime - US Product Leaflet.pdf Alfa Laval LKH Prime - US Product Data Leaflet
2018-06-18 320 kBAlfa Laval LKH Prime - продукт листовка - ESE03123.pdf
2018-06-18 334 kBAlfa Laval LKH Prime - продукт листовка - ESE03123.pdf
2018-06-18 333 kBAlfa Laval LKH Prime instruction manual.pdf
2018-06-18 3461 kBAlfa Laval LKH Prime product leaflet.pdf
2018-06-18 342 kBAlfa Laval LKH Prime UltraPure - продукт листовка - ESE03197.pdf
2018-06-18 347 kBAlfa Laval LKH Prime UltraPure - продукт листовка - ESE03197.pdf
2018-06-18 347 kBAlfa Laval LKH Prime UltraPure product leaflet.pdf
2018-06-18 340 kBAlfa Laval LKH UltraPure product leaflet.pdf
2018-06-18 595 kBAlfa Laval LKH UltraPure Центробежный насос - продукт листовка - ESE00269.pdf
2018-06-18 696 kBAlfa Laval LKH UltraPure Центробежный насос - Листовки с описанием изделия - ESE00269.pdf
2018-06-18 647 kBAlfa Laval LKH Центробежный насос - продукт листовка - ESE00263.pdf
2018-06-18 459 kBAlfa Laval LKH Центробежный насос - Листовки с описанием изделия - ESE00263.pdf
2018-06-18 450 kBAlfa Laval LKH-110, LKH-120P Multi-Stage Центробежный насос - Листовки с описанием изделия - ESE00266.pdf
2018-06-18 416 kBAlfa Laval LKH-110, LKH-120P Multi-Stage Центробежный насос - продукт листовка - ESE00266.pdf
2018-06-18 414 kBAlfa Laval LKHex Centrifugal Pump product leaflet.pdf
2018-06-18 370 kBAlfa Laval LKHex Центробежный насос - продукт листовка - ESE00264.pdf
2018-06-18 503 kBAlfa Laval LKHex Центробежный насос - Листовки с описанием изделия - ESE00264.pdf
2018-06-18 481 kBAlfa Laval LKHI product leaflet.pdf
2018-06-18 408 kBAlfa Laval LKHI Центробежный насос для 16 бар давление на входе - Листовки с описанием изделия - ESE00268.pdf
2018-06-18 440 kBAlfa Laval LKHP Filtration Центробежный насос для высокого входного давления - Листовки с описанием изделия - ESE01946.pdf
2018-06-18 438 kBAlfa Laval LKHPF product leaflet.pdf
2018-06-18 364 kBAlfa Laval LKHSP Self-priming Centrifugal Pump product leaflet.pdf
2018-06-18 271 kBAlfa Laval LKHSP самовсасывающий Центробежный насос - Листовки с описанием изделия - ESE00270.pdf
2018-06-18 476 kBAlfa Laval LKHSP самовсасывающий Центробежный насос - продукт листовка - ESE00270.pdf
2018-06-18 490 kBAlfa Laval MR product leaflet.pdf
2018-06-18 279 kBAlfa Laval MR-166S, -185S, -200S, -300 Жидкостно-кольцевые насосы - продукт листовка - ESE00233.pdf
2018-06-18 392 kBAlfa Laval MR-166S, -185S, -200S, -300 Жидкостно-кольцевые насосыЖидкостно-кольцевые насосы - Листовки с описанием изделия - ESE00233.pdf
2018-06-18 393 kBAlfa Laval OptiLobe Роторный лопастной насос - продукт листовка - ESE00527.pdf
2018-06-18 2631 kBAlfa Laval OptiLobe Роторный лопастной насос - Листовки с описанием изделия - ESE00527.pdf
2018-06-18 2609 kBAlfa Laval OS Twin Screw Pump instruction manual.pdf
2018-06-18 4291 kBAlfa Laval Rotary Lobe Pumps ATEX Addendum to SX instruction manual.pdf
2018-06-18 181 kBAlfa Laval Rotary Lobe Pumps SX Range instruction manual.pdf
2018-06-18 4778 kBAlfa Laval Rotary Lobe Pumps SX Ultra Pure Range instruction manual.pdf
2018-06-18 4781 kBAlfa Laval SolidC product leaflet.pdf
2018-06-18 369 kBAlfa Laval SolidC Pump instruction manual.pdf
2018-06-18 1853 kBAlfa Laval SolidC UltraPure instruction manual.pdf
2018-06-18 1827 kBAlfa Laval SolidC UltraPure product leaflet.pdf
2018-06-18 414 kBAlfa Laval SolidC Центробежный насос - продукт листовка - ESE00265.pdf
2018-06-18 592 kBAlfa Laval SolidC Центробежный насос - Листовки с описанием изделия - ESE00265.pdf
2018-06-18 591 kBAlfa Laval SRU product leaflet.pdf
2018-06-18 461 kBAlfa Laval SRU Роторный лопастной насос - продукт листовка - ESE00274.pdf
2018-06-18 1701 kBAlfa Laval SRU Роторный лопастной насос - Листовки с описанием изделия - ESE00274.pdf
2018-06-18 1803 kBAlfa Laval SX product leaflet.pdf
2018-06-18 454 kBAlfa Laval SX UltraPure product leaflet.pdf
2018-06-18 383 kBAlfa Laval SX Роторный лопастной насос - Листовки с описанием изделия - ESE00275.pdf
2018-06-18 1105 kBAlfa Laval SX Роторный лопастной насос - продукт листовка - ESE00275.pdf
2018-06-18 342 kBAlfa Laval Twin Screw product leaflet.pdf
2018-06-18 345 kBAlfa Laval Кольцевой поршневой насос SCPP 1 - продукт листовка - ESE01676.pdf
2018-06-18 1667 kBAlfa Laval Кольцевой поршневой насос SCPP 1 - Листовки с описанием изделия - ESE01676.pdf
2018-06-18 1695 kBAlfa Laval Кольцевой поршневой насос SCPP 2 - продукт листовка - ESE01677.pdf
2018-06-18 1602 kBAlfa Laval Кольцевой поршневой насос SCPP 2 - Листовки с описанием изделия - ESE01677.pdf
2018-06-18 1625 kBAlfa Laval Фильтрующий центробежный насос LKHP для высокого входного давления - продукт листовка - ESE01946.pdf
2018-06-18 479 kBAlfa Laval Центробежный насос LKHI для 16 бар давление на входе - продукт листовка - ESE00268.pdf
2018-06-18 493 kBAlfa Laval Центробежный насос SolidC UltraPure - продукт листовка - ESE00678.pdf
2018-06-18 657 kBAlfa Laval Центробежный насос SolidC UltraPure - Листовки с описанием изделия - ESE00678.pdf
2018-06-18 668 kBAlfa_Laval_DuraCirc_Aseptic_product leaflet.pdf
2018-06-18 356 kBAlfa_Laval_DuraCirc_Product leaflet_PT.pdf
2018-06-18 408 kBAt the heart of dairy - Dairy applications in good hands - Brochure.pdf
2018-06-18 5301 kBCut total cost of ownership for juice concentrate pasteurization_Thinking Ahead.pdf
2018-06-18 337 kBDiscover Alfa Laval Ultrapure Pharma Pumps Brochure.pdf
2018-06-18 372 kBExtracting the essence of life - Process solutions and components for the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries - Brochure.pdf
2018-06-18 1092 kBIn good hands - Everything you need close at hand - Brochure.pdf
2018-06-18 3793 kBIn good hands - Safeguarding hygienic applications - Brochure.pdf
2018-06-18 12663 kBLKH Centrifugal Pump instruction manual.pdf
2018-06-18 2968 kBLKH UltraPure Centrifugal Pump instruction manual.pdf
2018-06-18 3148 kBLKHex Centrifugal Pump instruction manual.pdf
2018-06-18 3939 kBLKHex UltraPure instruction manual.pdf
2018-06-18 2747 kBLKHI Centrifugal Pump for 16 bar Inlet Pressure instruction manual.pdf
2018-06-18 1832 kBLKHPF Filtration Centrifugal Pump for High Inlet Pressure instruction manual.pdf
2018-06-18 3243 kBLKHSP instruction manual.pdf
2018-06-18 721 kBMR-166US-185US-200US instruction manual.pdf
2018-06-18 4123 kBMR-300 Liquid-Ring Pump instruction manual.pdf
2018-06-18 677 kBOptiLobe product leaflet.pdf
2018-06-18 347 kBOptimizie to economize - Significant savings through efficient pumping - Brochure.pdf
2018-06-18 1230 kBPerformance curves Alfa Laval LKH Evap
2018-06-18 457 kBPerformance curves - Alfa Laval LKHSP -10 Self-priming Centrifugal Pumps,50 Hz-60 Hz.pdf
2018-06-18 236 kBPerformance curves - Alfa Laval LKHSP-20 Self-priming Centrifugal Pumps, 50 Hz-60 Hz.pdf
2018-06-18 240 kBPerformance curves - Alfa Laval LKHSP-25 Self-priming Centrifugal Pumps, 50 Hz-60 Hz.pdf
2018-06-18 237 kBPerformance curves - Alfa Laval LKHSP-35 Self-priming Centrifugal Pumps, 50 Hz-60 Hz.pdf
2018-06-18 229 kBPerformance curves - Alfa Laval LKHSP-40 Self-priming Centrifugal Pumps, 50 Hz-60 Hz.pdf
2018-06-18 239 kBPerformance Curves - LKH- LKHPF- LKHI- LKH Evap-25 60 Hz - EN.pdf
2018-06-18 216 kBPerformance Curves - LKH-110 Multi-Stage 50 Hz 60 Hz - EN.pdf
2018-06-18 199 kBPerformance Curves - LKHSP -10 Self-priming 50 Hz 60 Hz - EN.pdf
2018-06-18 222 kBPerformance Curves - LKHSP -10 Self-priming 50 Hz 60 Hz - EN (1).pdf
2018-06-18 222 kBPerformance Curves - LKHSP-20 Self-priming 50 Hz 60 Hz - EN.pdf
2018-06-18 226 kBPerformance Curves - LKHSP-25 Self-priming 50 Hz 60 Hz - EN.pdf
2018-06-18 223 kBPerformance Curves - LKHSP-35 Self-priming 50 Hz 60 Hz - EN.pdf
2018-06-18 215 kBPerformance Curves - LKHSP-40 Self-priming 50 Hz 60 Hz - EN.pdf
2018-06-18 225 kBPerformance Curves - MR - 50 Hz 60 Hz - EN.pdf
2018-06-18 103 kBPerformance Curves - SolidC- 4 50 Hz - EN.pdf
2018-06-18 112 kBPerformance Curves - SolidC-1, 50 Hz.pdf
2018-06-18 306 kBPerformance curves Alfa Laval LKH
2018-06-18 507 kBPerformance curves Alfa Laval LKH Multi Stage
2018-06-18 242 kBPerformance curves Alfa Laval LKH Prime
2018-06-18 270 kBPerformance curves Alfa Laval LKH Prime UltraPure
2018-06-18 258 kBPerformance curves Alfa Laval LKH UltraPure
2018-06-18 412 kBPerformance curves Alfa Laval LKHex
2018-06-18 413 kBPerformance curves Alfa Laval LKHI
2018-06-18 455 kBPerformance curves Alfa Laval LKHPF
2018-06-18 433 kBPerformance curves Alfa Laval MR
2018-06-18 231 kBPremium goes Prime - LKH Prime brochure.pdf Brochure - Premium goes Prime - LKK Prime - ESE03209EN.pdf
2018-06-18 392 kBPumps for hygienic use - The complete line - Brochure.pdf
2018-06-18 1901 kBRotary Lobe Pump ATEX Addendum to SRU instruction manual.pdf
2018-06-18 757 kBRotary Lobe Pumps - OptiLobe instruction manual.pdf
2018-06-18 1449 kBRotary Lobe Pumps SRU Range instruction manual.pdf
2018-06-18 2609 kBSolidC UltraPure - EN.pdf
2018-06-18 3422 kBTwin Screw Pump brochure.pdf
2018-06-18 192 kBTwin Screw Pump_двухвинтовой_насос_Альфа_Лаваль.pdf
2018-06-18 566 kBMaintenance guidelines
Investing in service before breakdowns occur makes good financial sense. Using Alfa Laval genuine spare parts ensures that existing certificates remain valid while using Alfa Laval service kits and service tools makes maintenance easy. With easy-to-follow service schedules and exploded views of each pump, the Alfa Laval Preventive Maintenance Guidelines give you a visual roadmap to maximize productivity and minimize maintenance costs.

The easy way to manage your pumps
Use My Alfa Laval, an online tool that makes it easy to take care of your Alfa Laval pumps. Simply enter the serial number of your pump to access useful information – from product leaflets and instruction manuals to service videos and other important documents. Not sure where to find the serial number? Look on the name plate of your pump. Depending on manufacturing date, it may be listed as serial number, SN#, or similar. More information on all Alfa Laval hygienic pumps will be coming your way soon!

Service and maintenance videos
Service your pumps only when necessary to ensure operational reliability and maximum performance. Conducting preventive maintenance reduces unplanned stops and parts inventory, increases pump lifetime, reduces workplace accidents, and lets you make the best use of resources. Watch these videos to see how to perform preventive maintenance – either as a stand-alone service after your pumps have been in operation for a certain number of hours or at a fixed interval. Short on time? Let us take care of pump maintenance for you as part of an Alfa Laval Performance Agreement.
Service Videos Alfa Laval LKH Centrifugal Pump
Service Videos Alfa Laval LKH Prime Pump
Service Videos Alfa Laval SRU Rotary Lobe Pump
Service Videos Alfa Laval DuraCirc
Service Videos Alfa Laval SCPP-2 Pump
Service Video Alfa Laval Twin Screw Pump
Service Videos Alfa Laval Service Kits
Sustainable Optimization
Protecting the environment while supporting your business. That is our commitment to our customers. We pledge to help customers achieve their sustainability goals through process optimization – higher efficiency, reduced emissions and less waste, increased recovery of valuable resources and by-products and more raw material, energy, water and savings. Good for people. Good for the planet. Good for business.

CAD drawings
Need drawings of Alfa Laval hygienic pumps? Download them here – either as native or neutral CAD file formats or as 3-D PDF files.

Spare parts
Keep it real. Genuine Alfa Laval spare parts keep your equipment running at peak performance throughout its lifetime. The right part at the right time prevents unscheduled downtime. And honestly, wouldn’t you rather have more uptime?

Uptime depends on expertise. Make sure you and your colleagues know how to get the most out of your Alfa Laval pumps. Effective training will give you a broad understanding of how to maximize uptime of your Alfa Laval systems while reducing your environmental impact and total cost of ownership.

Ten Top Tips
Quick! Name 10 things to make your Alfa Laval equipment run like clockwork. Give up? These Alfa Laval checklists help you maximize equipment reliability and uptime.

Application & Innovation Centre
Discover the world of pure innovation. Here you can work with Alfa Laval experts to optimize fluid handling at your plant using your own application and Alfa Laval hygienic equipment. What better way to optimize, quantify, verify and validate your processes. Join us – either in person or by live link – to discover how the latest advances in pump technology can optimize your fluid handling processes and boost yield, hygienic safety, and your sustainability profile.

Talk to a service expert
Reach out to Alfa Laval whenever you need service or support. Wherever in the world you are, we’re there too. Field service engineers from a local Alfa Laval service centre or one of our authorized service partners can provide the service your need 24/7. Contact us by phone or email.
Find us here and choose location